Competence is the only sustainable element for success in any endeavour.
What are your competencies? and have you been applying them? Are you in the right place or environment that helps you strengthen these competencies?
No matter what you are doing, you need to understand that identifying your competence is like really knowing why you have been created, your purpose in life and what you are meant to be doing at every given time.
People most times confuse their competence for their desire and what we actually wish to be. For example, I am a web developer (My competence). And my desire is to be a Business Mogul and a Writer (My Desire). So what do I do?
I was advised a long time ago by one of my mentors not to change my current competence for Writing, considering the situation of the country and how difficult it is to leave my strength and pursue a dream of my weakness. Rather I should have it at the back of mind and strengthen my current competencies and use that to start my life. I can then invest little time every day, to practice and learn the competencies required in becoming what I want to be.
Let’s look at the story of David and Goliath. David slayed the Giant. Remember David was a young boy and God used him to defeat the Philistine soldier. God works in mysterious ways right?
No Israelite would have been able to defeat Goliath. So now look at David’s competencies; He was a Shepherd, who had already been battling with other Beasts & Bears to protect his sheeps. God was preparing him for that battle. So the sling and stone was his competence at that time. I’m sure you read later that David became king and he no longer used sling and stone in other battles. He improved his competence as his status evolved.
I believe every single man on earth has been given a talent by GOD, which is like a toolbox to set sail in his own life, as you move on like an Adventurer (really that is what life is about). You need to get to the destination he has set for you. Man has to change tools, sharpen tools, test other tools, and enhance which ever best suits him in other to achieve his dream. In the journey of life, tools change as the world evolves.
Talent can never be mixed up. This is that gift of God that we do little or no improvement to always be at our best. But I want you to understand that this is just another competence. Use it. What I am saying here is that you can get other competencies and add to your toolbox. All you need is to identify them, see how possible it is for you to achieve them and go for it.
In other for you to achieve your desire, you need to be efficient in your current competence, to attain the best and achieve as much as you can with it, whilst you train yourself to achieve your desired competencies.
You can’t fake creativity, competence, or sexual arousal ~ Douglas Coupland
Most times we believe people are born to do things. Yes, I agree and you will also agree with me that people can be trained to do things, we can learn to do anything as long we set our minds to it. All we need to have is the tenacity to pull through on our dreams.
Is it the competence of a Dog to fetch your newspaper? Well, we all know they are trained to do that. So if animals can acquire such competence it means Humans have no limitations.
Look at yourself 10-15 years ago, were the competencies required in the Labour market the same? In order for anyone to be relevant today, you must evolve in your competence as the industry and the world itself changes. You have to be aware of your environment to tell when you need to persevere or pivot in your career, business and relationships.
To keep a marriage, you need marital competencies. To take care of your child, you need parental competencies. We have better technologies these days to help us improve or learn whatever competencies we are interested in. So why do we fail?
One of the challenges today is that our people think and dream of great things and just halt there. No Action!
Take your time and look deeply into the competencies that are required to move up the ladder of success. Then look at the best way to prepare and position yourselves for the leadership opportunities that lies ahead.
I’m not saying you should try and attain too many competencies, look at what you want to become and get the necessary competencies required. That’s it.
My friend, I urge you to look at your life and ask yourself if you really have the competencies required today to help you be at the top of the game.
Love what you do. Get good at it. Competence is a rare commodity in this day and age.
Thank you.
Author: Lu Abikoye